
  • «I am grateful from the bottom of my heart to have encountered this wonderful, simple but very effective practice. I have been able to integrate them quickly into my everyday life, something that I did not do well in the past with other methods, and I can feel how softly but steadily a change is taking place in my life. I can experience an increasing inner calm and centering in situations which until recently were still connected with strong emotional charge and also from the depths of the soul ascending things can be clarified relatively quickly. According to my feelings, the moments in which I am simply present increase. » (Juliane L. Freiburg, Germany)    
  • «At the initiation of Maha Poorna Atma Yoga, I felt like I was in a deep, wonderful, meditative state. I realize afterwards that I am more relaxed in everyday life and have more strength. The pratice helps me a lot to keep me focused.»               (Michaela S., Heiligenberg, Germany)     
  •  «Through the practice of Maha Poorna Atma Yoga I have become freer. I find it easier to recognize my reaction patterns and I notice that I have become more loving with myself. I can also be better alone with myself and feel good about it.»         (Maria S., Deggenhausen, Germany)
  • «Since the initiation in Maha Poorna Atma Yoga I have been living more fulfilled. My relationship with myself is deepening more and more. My life has become richer.» (Silvia F., Fischbach, Germany)                                                                                                                             
  • «After the initiation of Maha Poorna Atma Yoga in November 2015, I did not feel centered for a few weeks. However, I have been practicing Maha Poorna Atma Yoga daily since January 2016 and I have found that I have a deep inner satisfaction and serenity. Suddenly, a lot of things get easier.»  (Heidelinde H., Friedrichshafen, Germany)
  •   «I am 56 years old and my life today runs in beautiful, orderly and guided paths. When I was 50 years old, I was diagnosed with skin cancer - a melanoma and the prognosis - with a life expectancy of 2 years. This diagnosis has thrown my life into a big mess. I have changed my life - taken responsibility for myself - started to believe in the power of self-healing - refused the urgently recommended therapies - divorced after 34 years of marriage - and today I am cured of cancer. My faith has strongly supported me and helped me. Maha Poorna Atma Yoga - destructive feelings, such as fears that came out of my ego - were noticeably erased from my system. Out of deepest conviction I recommend to every person the possibility to use and by the practice like I become a freer human being like myself.» (Urs H., Zurich, Switzerland)
  •  «At the initiation I felt a deep sense of gratitude for this great gift. I have the feeling that my connection to myself has been deepened. I get noticeable support on my way to let go of the old things. » (Andrea M., Friedrichshafen, Germany)
  • «Through the practice of Maha Poorna Atma Yoga a more intimate contact with myself has developed. I feel secure and safe and I develop my trust. As a part of this world, I have my place here, which is meant for me. This is one of the many touching insights that do me so good. I am very grateful that this practice, which is easy to integrate into everyday life, has come into my life.» (Meike E., Bielefeld)